Improving my terminal know how with cli appendix

A list of commands in windows

- `pwd` print working directory
- `hostname` getting hostname
- `mkdir` making a directory
- `rmdir` removing a directory
- `cd` change directory
- `mv` move directory
- `cp` copy directory
- `find` finding files
- `cd ~` takes you to your home directory
- `ls` listing directories or `dir -R`
- `pushd` to save current location
- `popd` to return to saved location
- `touch` used to create files
- `cp text1.text text2.text` used to copy content of a file to another
- `cp -r` copy directory
- `mkdir temp` makes a temporary directory. Making a directory with space in it goes like `mkdir "Bootstrap course"
- `mv oldplace newplace` moving files