Foreign Keys in Laravel 7 and below

$table->foreignId('book_id')->constrainde() for 7 and above

constrained() and nullable()

nullable()->constrained() to allow nulable

Delete Parent: Restrict or Cascade?

constrained()->onDelete('cascade') to delete everything related

Change Order of Migrations

To change order of migrations, rename the file name changing the timestamp.

What Migrations Have (not) Run?

php artisan migrate:status will list all the migrations and those not run

Timestamps with Default Value

table->timestamp('reviewed_at')->useCurrent() or ->useCurrentUpdate() to insert default time.

Customize Default Migration File

php artisan stub:publish

Export Migrations into One SQL File

squash all migrations to one file php artisan schema:dump

Drop Multiple Columns


Rollback or Refresh X Steps

php artisan migrate:rollback --steps=5 rollbacks migration 5 steps back

Auto-increment starting value

$table->id()->from(10000) starts id from 1000

Make Migration: Spaces vs Underscores

php artisan make:migration "create movies table"