What is OOP?

  • OOP is a coding methodology and style
  • it makes it easy to extend and reuse our code
  • easier to maintain and debug when things go wrong

Blocks of OOP

  • Classes, properties & methods
  • Access modifiers(private, public, static), getters & setters
  • Inheritance, static properties & magic methods


they are blueprints for objects. So this contains properties(variables) and methods(functions) of an object.

Creating a class

There are a few conventions to follow when creating a class

  • First letter Capital
  • Singular Name

// creating a user clas
class User {


// Instantiating a new user and creating a use object
$userOne = new User();
$userTwo = new User();

Properties and Methods


They are like variables for classes

class User {

	// public makes it for these properties to be accessed by the object later
	public $username = 'ramos';
	public $email = 'karsoft92@gmail.com'; 


$userOne = new User();

//accessing the properties above

echo $userOne->username


These are functions

class User {

	// public makes it for these properties to be accessed by the object later
	public $username = 'ramos';
	public $email = 'karsoft92@gmail.com'; 

	public function addFriend(){
		// this refers to the instance on which the method is being called on
		// $this->username;
		return "$this->username added a new friend";


// calling a method of the User class
echo $userOne->addFriend();

// shows different properties in class

// shows different methods available in that class


we can set the properties to another value we desire



Use a constructor function to run the moment we instantiate a class

class User {

	// public makes it for these properties to be accessed by the object later
	public $username;
	public $email;
	//constructor function to make class able to access parameters

	public function __construct($username, $email){
		$this->username= $usename;
		$this->email= $email;

	public function addFriend(){
		// this refers to the instance on which the method is being called on
		// $this->username;
		return "$this->username added a new friend";


// instatiating and filling object with parameters
echo $userOne = new User('kofiramos','kofiramos87@fmail.com');

Access Modifiers

Access Modifiers defines the access scopes of methods and properties of a class.

  • public makes properties and methods accessible inside and outside the class
  • private makes properties and methods accessible only inside the class but not outside the class

Getters and Setters


creating getters to be able to access private properties

class User {

 	public $username;
	private $email; // private property
	//constructor function to make class able to access parameters

	public function __construct($username, $email){
		$this->username= $usename;
		$this->email= $email;

	//getter for email

	public function getEmail(){
		return $this->email;

	public function addFriend(){
		// this refers to the instance on which the method is being called on
		// $this->username;
		return "$this->username added a new friend";


// echoing the the email through the method
echo $userOne->getEmail();


Updating private property with setters

class User {

 	public $username;
	private $email; // private property
	//constructor function to make class able to access parameters

	public function __construct($username, $email){
		$this->username= $usename;
		$this->email= $email;

	//getter for email

	public function getEmail(){
		return $this->email;


	public function setEmail($email){
		//checking if @ exists in the string to confirm it's an email
		if(strpos($mail,'@') > -1):
			$this->email = $email;

	public function addFriend(){
		// this refers to the instance on which the method is being called on
		// $this->username;
		return "$this->username added a new friend";

	public function message(){
		return "$this->email person sent a message";


// echoing the the email through the method
echo $userOne->getEmail();

//setting email


It’s when one calss inherits properties & methods from another class

class AdminUser extends User{

	public $level;
	public function __construct($username,$email,$level){
		$this->level = $level;

		// this is to get access and inherit User class properties

// instantiating a AdminUser object

$userThree = new AdminUser('Ramos','Kofiramos9238@zmail.com',5);

Overriding properties and methods

class AdminUser extends User{

	public $level;
	public $role="admin"; // overriding parent properties

	public function __construct($username,$email,$level){
		$this->level = $level;

		// this is to get access and inherit User class properties

	// can't be accessed because it's a private property
	public function message(){
		return "$this->email, an admin, sent a message;"

Dealing with protected properties

Protected properties behave as private but they can be used between classes but not outside the classes.

class User{
	protected $email;

class AdminUser extends User{

	public $level;
	public $role="admin"; // overriding parent properties

	public function __construct($username,$email,$level){
		$this->level = $level;

		// this is to get access and inherit User class properties

	public function message(){
		return "$this->email, an admin, sent a message;"

Magic methods

__contstruct, __distruct and __clone

Distruct method

This removes any instance references after all methods have been executed

class AdminUser extends User{

	public $level;
	public $role="admin"; // overriding parent properties

	public function __construct($username,$email,$level){
		$this->level = $level;

		// this is to get access and inherit User class properties

	public function __destruct(){
		echo "the user $this->username was removed"

	public function message(){
		return "$this->email, an admin, sent a message;"

Clone method

this is used to clone methods and properties

class AdminUser extends User{

	public $level;
	public $role="admin"; // overriding parent properties

	public function __construct($username,$email,$level){
		$this->level = $level;

		// this is to get access and inherit User class properties

	public function __destruct(){
		echo "the user $this->username was removed"

	public function __clone(){
		$this->email = $his->email. '(cloned)';

	public function message(){
		return "$this->email, an admin, sent a message;"
$userFour = clone $userOne;

Static Properties and Methods

They are accessed directly from the class and not an instance.

 class Weather {

 	public static $conditions = ['cold','mild','warm'];

 	// converts from celsius to farenheit
 	public static function celsiusToFarenheit($c){

 		return $c * 9 / 5 + 32;

 	public static function determineTempCondition($f){
 		if($f < 40){
 			return self::$condition[0]; // self is the equivalent of $this in static properties and methods
 		}else if ($f < 70){
 			return self::$condition[1];
 			return self::$condition[2];


//accessing static properties

// accessing static method
echo Weather::celsiusToFarenheit(20);