After learning the basics of AJax using javascript and jquery, the course used the Flickr API for a real project.

Getting pictures of animals from flickr based on the button clicked

let animal = $(this).text();
let imageContainer = $('.image');
let imageTag = $('.img');
let flickerAPI = "";
let flickerOptions = {
	tags: animal,
	format: "json",

function  displayPhotos(data){
let photoHtml = '<div class="md:grid grid-cols-5 gap-2  mt-30 mt-10">';
	$.each( data.items, function(i, photo){
		 photoHtml +=`
        <a href="${}" class="image">
        <img src="${}" alt="" class="img">

	photoHtml += '</div>';
	$.getJSON(flickerAPI,flickerOptions, displayPhotos);

Getting the tag to search in flickr from a form


	let formValue = $('input').val();

	let flickerAPI = "";
let flickerOptions = {
	tags: formValue,
	format: "json",

function  displayPhotos(data){
let photoHtml = '<div class="md:grid grid-cols-5 gap-2  mt-30 mt-10">';
	$.each( data.items, function(i, photo){
		 photoHtml +=`		
				<a href="${}" class="image">
				<img src="${}" alt="" class="img">	
	photoHtml += '</div>';
	$.getJSON(flickerAPI,flickerOptions, displayPhotos);