Ajax Basics

The steps for an ajax request

1- Create request object

2- create a callback function

3- open a request

4- send the request

A simple example

	//1 creating the requet object
	let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

	//creating callback
	xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){

		 		document.getElementById('ajax').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

	// 3 opening a request

	// 4 sending the request

Using A button to trigger the ajax request

//getting the button element	
let loadButton = document.getElementById("load");

// attaching a click event to the button
			//1 creating the requet object
	let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

	//creating callback
	xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){

		 		document.getElementById('ajax').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

	//3 opening a request

	// 4 sending the request

Using Jquery for making request

the 4 steps of making an ajax request using jquery

- url: represents to make url to
- data: the data being passed
- callback: the callback function
an example
const url = '/employees.php';
let data = {
    firstName: 'kofi',
    lastName: 'ramos'
const callback = function(response){}
another example
